navigate to and enter the Meeting ID of the additional meeting you wish to join.cut and paste the join URL into the address bar of your web browser, or.click the join URL within your Zoom meeting invitation.Join additional meetings using one of the following methods:.Join the first meeting by following our advice on Joining a Zoom meeting.You only need to enable this feature once. Click the toggle next to ‘Join different meetings simultaneously on desktop’.Navigate to the ‘In Meeting (Basic)’ section.Open the UQ Zoom web interface and sign in with your UQ username and password.You can also join multiple meetings as a participant and be promoted to the co-host or host role. However, you can join multiple scheduled meetings as a co-host if you have been pre-assigned as an alternative host for the meeting. This feature does not allow you to schedule and host multiple meetings simultaneously, even if you have assigned an alternative host. We recommend muting your microphone in all meetings you don't want to interrupt. You can only share your webcam and screen within one meeting at a time.

You can use your microphone simultaneously across all meetings.

In Zoom, you are able to join multiple meetings at the same time. This feature is useful for support or supervising staff who need to monitor multiple meetings simultaneously. You can use this both in Zoom and from videoconferencing systems. The Meeting ID is a unique identifier for a Zoom meeting, which also appears in the Zoom URL. At UQ, you can find these systems in some rooms and lecture theatres. This is the address you will need to call to connect a room-based videoconferencing system to a Zoom meeting. The link will then be able to open in your Zoom program.